Why Support me?
An attack’s been launched against our humanity.
Vices are treated like virtues, and virtues are treated like vices. Old conservatives are modern rebels. Christian values are labelled unchristian. Objective truth is no longer true, and we’re commanded to tolerate everything—even that which is totally intolerable.
Radicals claims they’re flipping society upside down in the name of progressivism. The problem is that they’re progressing our nations toward Hell. Ideologues in universities and government, thinking about a future without thought, saturate the whole society with their insane ideals, and it leads to our destruction.
I’m working my hardest to repel what’s happening. The menace of progressivism disintegrates when challenged by fundamental, common sense, Christian, truths, so that’s exactly what I preach. My prayer is that through the messages I speak, people would repent of their sin, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved to eternal life.
Who Are You Supporting?
I’m a trained, independent economist. This study, along with my years at Bible camp, equipped me with the tools to become an author, speaker, commentator, and social critic. I’ve spoken at hundreds of events, lectured on various topics to various audiences, appeared on numerous podcasts, and have been cited in various media articles.
I do my best to read and learn all that I can, but the Bible is the foundation of everything that I believe and write. Authors and preachers like Charles Spurgeon, G.K. Chesterton, Herman Bavinck, William Lane Craig, C.S. Lewis, George Orwell, Milton Friedman, Ludwig Von Mises, and Winston Churchill, profoundly affect me, but I scrutinize all their writings and wisdom against the standard of Scripture.
I’ve worked in a variety of positions, from hauling grain in b-trains to writing articles as a Vice President of Economics. The Lord Jesus has used all of these experiences to lead me to a more complete understanding of Himself, and I’m excited to know Him in a more faithfully as my life progresses.
What Are You Supporting?
Your donation will be used to further truth and freedom in as many places as possible. It will be used to help rebuke socialism, subjective truth, corrupt government, immorality, global power, and the censorship of Christianity.
Because I’m independent and am not affiliated with any political party, organization, non-profit organization, or third-party advertiser, I speak for anyone that will listen to what I have to say, or read what I have to write.
On my public pages, where my videos and posts receive hundreds of thousands of views every month, I write articles and prayer updates, and film video shorts, livestreams, and podcasts, as often as possible.
The creation of this content demands time and money. Diligent study is critical to speak the truth, and money is required to actually produce it. Equipment, rentals, website maintenance, office supplies, marketing and advertising, food, and other expenses, compound while pursuing this adventure full-time. I believe what I’m doing is of value to numerous individuals—take a read below to see what some of them are saying:
Thank you, Tanner! Very well written! I love reading and listening to you!
Your writings are a wonder to me and the way you see this world. I happy you share with whomever seeks them. Thank you, God bless you.
Bless you Tanner for your skill as a speaker and writer. You have a wonderful way to explain things that make easy for anyone to truly understand what you're saying and where you're coming from.
God bless you Tanner. Keep speaking the truth! Your points you make are spot on.
Read some of my articles; watch some of my videos. If what I say resonates with you, and if you believe I’m fighting for what’s right and valuable, please consider aiding me in the defence of truth.
If you are led to donate to help me with my costs, expenses, and enable me to combat the rejection of truth to my fullest capacity, thank you so much!
If not, no worries at all! Thank you so much for reading! I so appreciate your support and encouragement!
Above all, I cherish your prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ so much. It is a more valuable gift to me than anything in the world. Paul says, “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.” Time is short. Men and women are dying without the truth—without Jesus Christ as their Saviour—and though the march of progressivism is more ominous by the hour, the splendor and eternal hope of Jesus Christ is already here.

Mailing Address
If you'd prefer to send me a physical cheque, please use this mailing address, below!
Box 182
Blackfoot Alberta
T0B 0L0